Undertaking and Evaluating Pilot Projects:
This set of annotated resources should serve to inform on both the values, responsibilities and best practices associated with participating in pilot projects
Alberta Health Services. (n.d.). (rep.). Workplace Health Improvement Project: PILOT EVALUATION REPORT. Edmonton, AB. Retrieved July 30, 2022,
Exemplified in this report are criteria previously used to evaluate participation in pilot projects: 1. To assess the process of engaging external stakeholders (pilot organizations, certifying partners, service providers) in the pilot project. 2. To assess the effectiveness of the Workplace Health Improvement Project in providing support to pilot organizations to build capacity for planning and implementing workplace health promotion strategies. 3. To determine whether the pilot project developed relevant and feasible action plans for each pilot site.
Australian Institute of Community Services. (n.d.). (rep.). Reflective Practice, Supervision & Self-Care (Ser. Report 4, pp. 1–29). Retrieved July 31, 2022.
Shown in the report is that self-awareness plays a critical effective reflective practice. Counsellors need to be cognizant of their skills, knowledge and performance as professionals, while mindful of any personal conditions that impede their ability to provide an effective and objective service.
Devray-Benichou, J. (2018, December 6). 5-metrics to help you measure the success of a pilot [project] [web log]. Retrieved July 30, 2022.
Identified and explained are 5-key metrics to build templates for 5 Key Performance Indicators (KPI): 1- Set a survey target to measure users’ satisfaction; 2- Set a numeric goal to track usage; 3- Set a percentage target to measure engagement; 4- Set a savings target to measure efficiency; and 5- Set a growth goal to assess impact.
Frambach, R. T., & Schillewaert, N. (2002). Organizational innovation adoption: A multi-level framework of determinants and opportunities for future research. Journal of Business Research, 55(2), 163 176.
Insight into organizational adoption processes, its inhibitors and stimulators help suppliers of innovations to market their new products more effectively. The framework proposed addresses the adoption decision at two levels, i.e., the organizational level and the individual adopter
within an organization. The authors present research on innovation adoption and technology acceptance that have emerged in the marketing and management literature and identify several research issues that need further attention.
Gwaldis, M. (2019, March 7). How to conduct a successful pilot: Fail fast, safe, and smart [web log]. Retrieved July 30, 2022.
Explained in this article are five important reasons that underscore the failure of pilot projects, including: "to narrow a scope," "lack [of] stakeholder support," "the pilot team doesn't have the right members," and "insufficient collaboration among the participants," coupled with a preliminary implementation schedule. Noted also are the steps to be taken to achieve a successful pilot project.
Nordstrom, K. (2021, June 22). Review of Designing Better Pilot Programs: 10 Questions Policymakers Should Ask. Brief 2, 16–21. Retrieved July 30, 2022.
The author contends that policymakers can use these 10-questions to guide their investments toward better pilot programs, which in turn will support the development of programs with better outcomes and better use of taxpayer dollars.
Pilot implementation & planning 101. Method. (2022, April 12). Retrieved July 30, 2022.
Detailed within is that a pilot project typically involves presenting the solution to a small test group to get feedback and report on your technical capabilities - or lack thereof - in "real-world scenarios." Also delineated are six critical questions to be addressed when implementing a pilot project.